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Please follow these instructions to install your SSL certificate on Microsoft Exchange 2010. Two methods are available: install your SSL certificate either with the Exchange Management Console or with the Exchange Powershell.

Install the Intermediate Certificate

1. Get your intermediate certificate. Copy and paste the contents into a .crt file by using a text editor software.

2. Launch the Microsoft Management Console (do Start > Run > MMC).

3. Go to File > Add/Remove Snap-in.

4. Click Add. Select Certificates and click Add.

5. Select Computer Account. Click Next and select Local Computer.

6. Click Finish.

7. In the MMC, right-click on Intermediate Certification Authorities and go to All Tasks > Import.

8. Click Browse and select your intermediate certificate (from step 1).

9. Click Next.


Install your SSL Certificate with the Exchange Management Console

1. Once you received your SSL certificate by e-mail, please copy and paste it into a text file (with Notepad or Wordpad) and save the file with the .crt extension. (Include the tags -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE-----).

2. Copy your .crt file to c:\ on your Exchange Server.

3. Launch the Exchange Management Console (located in Start > Programs > Microsoft Exchange 2010).

4. Click the link Manage Databases and go to Server Configuration.

5. Select your certificate (menu in the center of the screen) and click the link in the Actions menu to Complete Pending Request.

6. Browse to your .crt file and click Open > Complete.

Note: If an error message "The source data is corrupted or not properly Base64 encoded." appears, ignore it.

7. Go back to the Exchange Management Console, and right-click the new certificate and choose Assign Services to Certificate.

8. Select your server in the list and click Next.

9. Select the services you want to secure with your SSL certificate.


Install your SSL Certificate with the Exchange Powershell

1. Launch Exchange Powershell.

2. Run the following command:

Import-ExchangeCertificate -FileData ([Byte[]]$(Get-Content -Path c:\your_domain_name.crt -Encoding byte -ReadCount 0)) | Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Services "IIS,POP,IMAP,SMTP"

Please specify the path to your SSL certificate after "-Path" and choose the services you want to secure after "-Services".

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