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In order to generate a CSR for Microsoft Exchange 2007, please follow these steps:

Create your CSR with the Exchange Management Shell

1. Launch the Exchange Management Shell..

2. Save yourself a lot of time and typing by using our Exchange 2007 Command-Line CSR Generator to generate your command-line or adapt the original command-line with your details.

The original command-line is New-ExchangeCertificate -GenerateRequest -Path c:\SSL247CSR.txt -SubjectName "c=YourCountry, l=YourCity, s=YourState, o=YourCompany, cn=YourDomain", -DomainName SANDomains -PrivateKeyExportable:$True

Example: New-ExchangeCertificate -GenerateRequest -Path c:\SSL247CSR.txt -SubjectName "c=GB, l=LONDON, s=LONDON, o=SSL247 LIMITED, cn=www.ssl247.co.uk", -DomainName mail.ssl247.co.uk, web.ssl247.co.uk -PrivateKeyExportable:$True

Note: The country must be filled in with the ISO two-letter country code (list). The name of the company must be the full legal name of the company (include Ltd., SARL, etc.). The first domain name is listed in "-Subject Name" after "cn=". Additionnal domain names are added after the -DomainName parameter with commas between them.

3. After running this command, your CSR file will display to the management shell (or you will find it here: c:\SSL247CSR.txt). Copy and paste the entire contents, including the BEGIN and END tags to the SSL247 Certificate order form.

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